Femicide, also known as feminicide, is by far the most severe type of gender-based violence (GBV), described as “the deliberate murder of women because they are women.” In 1801 the term femicide originated specifically to convey the action of murdering women. Later on, Wharton’s law lexicon decided to officially publish the term in 1848.[1] Another terminology utilized is “feminicide”, which… Read more →
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Why women are disproportionately affected by climate change
One of the devastating and irrefutable conclusions of the latest IPCC report (the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change) is that no one is safe from climate change. The greatest impacts will directly affect the most vulnerable and marginalised people and in consequence, not only will the gap between rich and poor increase more and more but also the gender gap,… Read more →
“It’s not you. It’s him!” The real story of the victim of rape.
The experiences women go through open our eyes to the dangers of gender-based violence and discrimination. And I would like to share my story with everyone who still has doubts about the seriousness of the issue. To the men who were never taught what consent is, to those who hurt women just because it gives them joy and to all… Read more →
Equality of women and men, as stated in the Istanbul Convention, is a fundamental human right, an essential element of democracy and an imperative of social justice. However, in present-day society, inequalities between women and men persist in the political, economic, social, cultural and educational fields. The team of Europe on Track 9 wants to put a particular emphasis on… Read more →
Turkey breaking away from the Istanbul Convent
It’s been almost 11 years. It was 11 May 2011 when in Istanbul, Turkey, the Council of Europe Convention on preventing and combating violence against women and domestic violence was signed by 45 countries. Eighty-one articles affirming a simple but revolutionary principle (then and still today): violence against women is a violation of human rights. The convention was approved in… Read more →
Persisting Inequalities and Ethical Issues in the Fast Fashion Industry
You probably have seen numerous tees and tote bags with slogans to empower women in the stores of fast fashion giants. However, while these designs are looming, they don’t reflect the reality for garment workers, most of whom are women, behind those very same products. Although the industry is dominated by women in its production and consumer circles, the system… Read more →
The Istanbul convention. What is it, how is it structured, it’s main goals.
The Council of Europe Convention on preventing and combating violence against women and domestic violence, better known as the Istanbul Convention, is the treaty of the Council of Europe aimed to fight violence against women and domestic violence. It was signed on May 11, 2011, in Istanbul, Turkey. As of March 2019, it has been signed by 45 countries and the European… Read more →
Violence against women in context of the Istanbul Convention. The report on the countries visited on the purple route.
During the Action Tour, the Purple Route has visited the following countries: Poland (Gliwice) Croatia (Zagreb) Hungary (Budapest) Romania (Bucharest) Bulgaria (Sofia) Serbia (Niš) Turkey (Ankara, Izmir, Istanbul) Below, you can find the reports of our ambassadors on the current situation of these countries with regard to the implementation of the Istanbul convention, gender inequality issues and the view of… Read more →
Violence against women in context of the Istanbul Convention. The report on the countries visited on the blue route.
During the Action Tour, the Blue Route has visited the following countries: Spain (Oviedo, León, Valencia) The Netherlands (Leiden, Utrecht) Germany (Heidelberg) Belgium (Brussels, Leuven) France (Le Mans) Below, you can find the reports of our ambassadors on the current situation of these countries with regard to the implementation of the Istanbul convention, gender inequality issues and the view of… Read more →
Violence against women in context of the Istanbul Convention and GREVIO. pt.1.
The Council of Europe Convention on preventing and combating violence against women and domestic violence is the most far-reaching international treaty to tackle this serious violation of human rights. It aims at zero tolerance for such violence and is a major step forward in making Europe and beyond safer. The convention covers all women and girls, from any background, regardless… Read more →
The role of media in spreading (mis)information on gender inequality
Media and its development have accompanied an increase in the magnitude and complexity of societal actions and engagements, rapid social change, technological innovation and the decline of some traditional forms of control and authority. There is a close association between representation in media and social change, although the degree and direction of this association are still debatable. Many of the… Read more →
#BlueRoute – Brussels Local Stop
As the blue team’s Europe On Track tradition, this part of the trip also had to start with a hiccup! Our first train was cancelled and the second one had a huge delay. By now we are experienced in unexpected changes so it doesn’t phase us and we still manage to make it to Brussels on time. Our… Read more →
#PurpleRoute-Ankara Local Stop
After a long journey that started in Nis at 4 am, with stops in Sofia and then in Istanbul, we finally arrived in Ankara. To welcome us there were three AEGEEans, who with great warmth took us to what was gonna be our home for the following three days. We had time to relax and to get to know each… Read more →